Friday, December 15, 2006

teme てめ = you

One of the Japanese pronouns for “you.” Generally, it’s best not to say this word to people; if you say it to someone who doesn’t know you’re joking, be ready to duck or block a punch. But you can probably find appropriate times to use this word. The other night, in a bar called HUB, I was with my friend Duncan. When Duncan has a lot to drink, he tends to get affectionate. He sometimes likes to grab people and kiss the tops of their heads—he’s a tall fellow. So he did it to me not once, but twice, at which point I cried out, “Teme, yamero!” The people around us understood.


xd said...

that assumes japanese people get into fights lol

Wes said...

ha ha thanks xd. sorry for taking so long to respond. happy new year to you!

おつかれやま!!! (In romaji, "Otsukareyama!!!" In kanji, お疲れ山?)

 All of my former students in Japan officially ended their school year this week, I believe. Some will return in April, others have graduat...