Sunday, August 25, 2013


I first heard the term おもろ, I think, in 2009 or 2010.  My students explained it to mean 面白い人(おもしろいひと), an interesting person.  I don't think it's listed in most dictionaries, but it Googles and You Tubes very well.


Unknown said...

Wow...I completely forgot HOW I came here and WHAT exactly I was looking for. I just remember a Japanese person tweeted me something I did not fully understand and looked up a few words but I don't know what words let to this blog.

But, I am so happy I found this place! I forgot what I was suppose to do after I zoomed through all your posts, but I learned a few things so that's kinda all that matters XD


Wesley H.W. Tong said...

Hi Jei,
Sorry for not having responded all this time. I hadn't been checking for comments on my blog, to tell the truth because I never checked on how to do it. I just now noticed that blogger has a "published comments" thing to click on. I clicked on it and read your comment.

こちらこそ、 よろしく お願いします!

おつかれやま!!! (In romaji, "Otsukareyama!!!" In kanji, お疲れ山?)

 All of my former students in Japan officially ended their school year this week, I believe. Some will return in April, others have graduat...